WPVS Visa Service provides authentication services to US Corporations, US Citizens and foreign nationals on all documents that will be used overseas. Before sending your request to us, please keep in mind:
1) Your documents must be notarized by a licensed notary public.
2) Your documents must be certified by your Secretary of State in the state the notary belongs to.
For example: If the notary public is from Washington, D.C., the document must be certified by the Secretary of State in Washington, D.C.
Please contact our office if you have any questions at 800-272-7776
WPVS Service fee for documents that require authentication
by the US Department of State:
1-2 Documents
3-4 Documents
5 or more Documents
US Department of State will charge a fee of $8 per document.
WPVS Service fee for documents that require authentication
by an Embassy or Consulate:
1-2 Documents
3-4 Documents
5 or more Documents
Consulate fees will vary by country. Please contact us to obtain
the fee for the Consulate you will require.
Please add $25 for FedEx return shipping.
Please mail all documents to:
Attn: JR Diaz
WPVS Visa Service
2318 18th Street NW Suite 200
Washington, D.C. 20009